Rest easy knowing your Knack app is in expert hands.
Is your Knack app up-to-date and problem-free?
Our team of seasoned Knack developers across New Zealand and the Pacific region are dedicated to optimizing your systems, so you can focus on what matters most – your mission.
Ready to take your Knack app to the next level?
Is your app built well? Find out in 5 minutes:
Tired of clunky systems holding you back?
Apps & Automations
Custom apps to fit your needs
Experts across many web app types
Quick audits and optimizations
Dashboards and automations
Support & Training
22 years of cumulative experience
Proven design/maintenance methods
Code libraries and Knack plugins
Tailored coaching packages to give you a boost
Security & Monitoring
Security best practise
Proactive monitoring services including automated backup
User-friendly documentation

Dependency free
We know what Knack is good for and what it’s not – since we work with multiple digital tools we can provide you objective advice on whether Knack is right for you.
We want to get you the right tools and knowledge to maintain your systems and grow your organisation even when we’re not there.
“Optimi’s service, technical proficiency, flexibility and professionalism were exactly what we required to achieve our project goals.”
Barbara (Utility company)
“Optimi has been invaluable. Their expertise in scaling systems and technical capabilities have been instrumental in our growth and success and has helped increase philanthropic giving in New Zealand.”
Cheryl (Philanthropy)
“Working with Optimi has been life-changing! They made systems do things I didn’t realize were possible, freeing up time and reducing the mental burden of a thousand small admin tasks…”
Paula (Impact network)
Case study -
"Optimi takes care of our technical and human needs. Their expertise stabilized our systems and restored our peace of mind. They're proactive, accessible, and responsive; freeing us to do what we do best."
Casey (Employee Assistance Provider)